The Role of Spirituality in the Psychological Well-being of Infertile Women through the Mediation of Emotion Regulation: A Cross-Sectional Study

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Women Research Center, Alzahra University Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Departemant of Counseling and Educational Science, Farhangian University, Shahid Beheshti Campus, Bandar Abass, Iran

3 Professor, Spiritual Health Research Center, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran

4 MSc, Department of Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Psychology, Allameh Tabatabae'i University, Tehran, Iran

5 Medical Doctor, Student Research Committee, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran

6 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



Background & aim: Infertility is recognized as a distressing life event that may threaten the psychological well-being of women facing infertility, affecting their interpersonal relationships and self-confidence. The present study was conducted with aim to investigate the role of spirituality in the psychological well-being of infertile women through the mediation of emotion regulation among infertile women.
Methods: In this 2021 cross-sectional study, we surveyed 400 infertile women from Qom and Isfahan attending infertility clinics. We used a demographic questionnaire, Spirituality Assessment Inventory (SAI) (1996) by Hall et al., Ryff’s 18-items Psychological well-being scale, and Gross and John’s 10 question Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Date reliability and validity were assessed through Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability, AVE index. Discriminated validity was examined using theFornell and Lurker matrix, Model analysisR2 for explanatory power, Q2 for predictive relevance, and incidence like SRMR and NFI for fit assessment.
Results: Both direct and indirect effects of total spirituality on psychological well-being were statistically significant (p<0.01). Likewise, The direct effect of reappraisal strategy on psychological well-being was significant (p<0.01). Similarly, the the suppression strategy demonstrated a significant indirect effect on psychological well-being (p<0.01). The effects of total spirituality, reappraisal strategy and suppression on psychological well-being were also significant (p<0.01).
Conclusion: The results showed that spirituality and emotional regulation strategies significantly affect the psychological well-being of infertile women. Notably, the suppression strategy exhibits a negative effect on their psychological well-being. To enhancewell-being, targeted counseling services with a focuson spirituality are recommended.


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